It's finally end of 2012.
I tried to look back and see what have I achieved throughout the year and apparently, I never set any resolution for twenty twelve -____-" Hardly say if I have accomplished anything this year... :'(
Anyway, let's list out all my interests and see if there is/are any difference(s) compare to last time..
1) Reading - I started to read book in 2011. I only managed to finish 1 book back then, and this year, I managed to finish reading 3 books. It's an improvement right.. ;')
2) Traveling - I always wanted to visit at least 1 new country/place every year, and this year, I got the chance to travel to Jakarta for the first time and I love the city :)
3) K-Pop - I never thought that I would ever like K-Pop until this year *faint* Thanks to I don't know who taught me how to watch RunningMan, now, I can recognize most of K-Pop artist liao...
Ok, that's all... That's only it....?!
I'll list down all my resolution in next entry.
31 December 2012
19 November 2012
17 November 2012
Split Path
Each decision we make in this life leads us down a different path.
I don't know where each path will lead me to but I am stuck in between.
I have to admit that my current path is least resistance. Though how unfulfilling this path may be to me or anyone who knew me, it is still the most familiar path and I am comfortable with.
I am thinking of changing my path but I am scared. Will it be better or will it be worst? Or, should I just stick with the current path which feels more safe?
Lovely Emy.
01 October 2012
New October
I'll be traveling in within Malaysia.
Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Melaka.
I'm planning something for myself but I don't know how to execute it yet. May Allah helps me by showing me His way.
October does not need to be nice to me. Just be good. Will do.
-Lovely Emy-
14 September 2012
04 September 2012
New September is finally here..
Wake me up when September ends.?
I have few exciting things going on on the month of September, thus I want to stay awake..
*trip to Singapore*
*trip to Indonesia*
I can't wait to travel :')
-Love Emy-
31 August 2012
my silence
do not mistake my silence with ignorance..
it only means,
i need more time and space of my own,,
to figure things out..
-Love Emy-
Happy Independence Day Malaysia !
Happy 55th birthday Malaysia :)
I've read in some random forum sites criticize Malaysia for being weak and timid in getting our liberty when we were colonized by British and others.
Those countries who condemned us, don't have to be specifically which country, but generally those who are envious toward our achievement so far,, actually do not understand the connotation behind our method in getting freedom.
For not being biased, let's categorized people in few categories,
1) those with brains, 2) those with strengths, and 3) those without anything
In any competition, we will use either our brain or our strength to win,, same concept how Malaysia get its independence..
We don't fight in a war doesn't mean we are a weak nation, it only shows we are an intelligent nation in contending our liberty..
Being intelligent is greater than being strong.
How did Singapore achieve its independency? *google google* Without having to be involved in a war, Singapore proved to be the most developed country in SouthEast Asia, and Malaysia we are still developing but, we ranked number 2.
How did other countries in Southeast Asia get its freedom.? And, Thailand has never been colonized.. Where are they now? *google google*
At least the most poorest family in Malaysia is not as poor as compare to those from third world countries.We don't have to knock on someone's car window to sell tissue.Pursuing study isn't a big problem. Getting a job is quite difficult, but opportunity can be gained. Then, be grateful :)
Proud Malaysian *leaving the political issues behind.
P/S: My historical study is limited to Southeast Asia :p
Q: they say malaysia came from indonesia but why we gained our independence from british? *heeeee*
-Love Emy-
-Love Emy-
30 August 2012
27 August 2012
The arguement
occurred when,
mutual misunderstanding after the fact,
sensitivity build a prison in the final act,
we lose direction,
no stone unturned,.
-Love Emy-
25 August 2012
24 August 2012
Salam Syawal
Selamat menyambut hari raya Aidilfitri buat semua Muslimin & Muslimat,
Mohon maaf zahir & batin,
Semoga amalan kita di Ramadhan yang lalu diterima Allah dan ibadah kita dikekalkan, Aminnn..
-Love Emy-
17 August 2012
I was a little girl alone in my little world
who dreamed of a little home for me
I played pretend between the trees
and fed my houseguests bark and leaves
and laughed in my pretty bed of green
I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest swing
I had a dream
Long walks in the dark
through woods grown behind the park
I asked God who I'm supposed to be
The stars smiled down on me
God answered in silent reverie
I said a prayer and fell asleep
I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest tree
I had a dream
Now I'm old and feeling grey
I don't know what's left to say
about this life I'm willing to leave
I lived it full and I lived it well
there's many tales I've lived to tell
I'm ready now, I'm ready now
I'm ready now to fly from the highest wing
I had a dream
14 August 2012
13 August 2012
11 August 2012
Jakarta ~ from my eyes...
I've been to the second and third largest cities in Indonesia but haven't step my foot on Indonesia's largest city - Jakarta ,until recently. Being born and raised in the suburb area where Petaling Jaya, Damansara and Kuala Lumpur are just nearby ,I don't find Surabaya and Medan is a place to live - for me .So, my trip to Jakarta recently, I didn't put much expectation on how the view , surrounding and the environment will be - as I always hear people say - Jakarta are very hectic , haze and maceettt everywhere, and having an impression on how Surabaya and Medan look like ,I have doubt on its differences when someone tried to promote Jakarta ;),.
13th July - I took an early flight from KUL to CGK.
Since I saw many pictures from my friends who took photos at Sukarno-Hatta International Airport, I knew I won't see anything like I saw in Bandung or Medan's airport. I forgot which terminal we landed, was it Terminal 2 or 3 .? For an Airasia flight.? But the airport reminded me of Budget Terminal in Singapore *actually I don't know what is the similarity between these two airports* Maybe I was greeted by almost the same way when I arrived . :). The view at the outside of the airport is so spacious that I don't see any maceett environment ?Well, my impression changed a bit, because I thought I will see something that is almost similar to Surabaya's airport, but, no, all you can see is a clean traffic despite the so many people saying hello and goodbye..
While on the highway, I tried to enjoy the view and scenary, simply because I want to compare Jakarta and Malaysia wt*.. haha,.. Indonesian who has been to Malaysia have to admit that Malaysia's highway is still better, right.? I don't remember if there are any 3 lanes highway, maybe yes, but the toll booth only has lanes for cash and 'Touch & Go' like. They don't come up with something like 'Smart Tag' yet.. The toll exit name is so long that I hardly remember which exit I ever took :b but I remember there is one toll exit called Professor *dunnowhat*.. hehe..
While heading to the city, I started to see buildings, tall buildings and more buildings. There was one time on the road I felt like I'm at Jalan Ipoh, KL and I started to feel the KL's vibes. Honestly, I can't wait to see macet's scene in Jakarta *abnormal* because I heard a lotttt about it, how irritating it is to be stucked for hours.. And finally, on day 2 in Jakarta, I got to experienced the maceett, while sleeping, hahaha,. We were on our way to Tanah Abang and I was so sleepy , so I slept ,and when I woke up the Supir said we can't go to Tanah Abang because the jam was deathly serious he hardly enter the market.. Okayyy, I missed the moment stucked in jam for hours.. Supiirr was Bian.. hehe.. Poor Bian only Mama accompany him while he was driving..
The nightlife in Jakarta is different from KL..Okay, I can't compare much because I only stayed there for 2 nights, but what I can say is Malaysian can hangout until 2-3 am at Mamak while chatting or watching movies or football, which make sense if you're coming late home, but in Jakarta, I don't find any place to hangout until 2-3 am.. *I don't compare night clubs activity* I should explore more on the nightlife activities, exclude clubbing~.. Oh ya, I remember on the first night we stopped at Seven Eleven to find something,and guess what?the teenagers were hangout at the Seven Eleven.!! Of course, don't imagine their Seven Eleven is like ours, haha, because their Seven Eleven is more bigger and more wide range of food choices, and there are tables for hangout.. Hmm, the event is similar to teenagers in Malaysia hangout at the McDonalds doing homework or assignment..
And so, everything that changed my point of view towards Jakarta cannot beat this one reason - The Mall - I just love the fact that Jakarta has a lot of shopping malls. It reminded me of home and more ツ We went to Grand Indonesia and to me it's almost like Pavilion. I don't remember walked across any Gucci, Prada, Channel boutique, but, they have Magnum Café. How cool is that.? The ambient of their foodcourt is nicer, oh, maybe almost similar to the Pavilion. To my surprise, Malaysia's cinema lobby isn't anything like their cinema lobby, it was spacious and looks high end, or maybe we can compare The Signature@The Garden with theirs.. And the normal cinema hall is larger than our Hall 1 and Hall 2.. Oh, I started to love Jakarta ◕‿◕
Well,, from my 3 days 2 nights experienced,, I can say that,, I can survive in Jakarta. .❀‿❀..
I will be back~~!
-Love Emy-
10 August 2012
08 August 2012
Dear YOU
Be my Imaam for my prayers.
Be my Qari and read the Quran for me.
Be the one who leads me to Allah.
That's all I'm asking for.
-Love Emy-
07 August 2012
Doa yang benar
Good morning dearest ~
I came across someone's blog with the article "Doa yang benar".
The article was not preached on how to recite a correct du'a, nor stating if there is any du'a that we recite everyday is wrong.
Du'a is my weapon and still is.
In my whole life I always believe in my du'a and I will always make du'a for what I want, so, I always get what I want. Be it having good friends, good education, good career, good life and so on.
Because I know what I want, I only pray for what I want and always thought what I want is the best for me.
Sadly, it does not work that way..
That explains why I am not happy with what have been decided for me..
The article tells that human beings tend to request good things according to their parameter. But do we ponder if the good things bring goodness to us? It may seems good to us for now, but will it still be good to us for later?
Therefore, instead of praying for what we want it is better to pray for what is good for us.
Have faith in Allah's parameter in deciding what is best for us because His knowledge is beyond.
" Mintalah yg terbaik utk dirimu dlm do'a mu & bertawakal, tidak usah kecewa bila hasilnya tdk sesuai dgn harapanmu krn sesungguhnya itu merupakan parameter dr seorang manusia, Bukan apa2 dibanding penilaian Allah swt "
And for the first time I am about to leave my decision to Allah to help me decides. I concede that I always perform Salah Hajat to achieve what I want, now, I want to make it the other way around. I will perform Salah Isthikara to make sure what I want is the best for me then only I will perform Salah Hajat to achieve what I believe is good for me after Allah's approval.
Does this article change your point of view on how should we achieve what we want?
-Love Emy-
06 August 2012
Monday ? But it is okay !
First Monday falls on 2nd week of August.
I have determined to come early to work starting August ! Especially on Monday ? Why ? Because I need to avoid super heavy traffic congestion that happen especially on mundane Monday morning ツ
Vivacious Ù©(^‿^)Û¶
P/s: If I fail, then I'll start over in next Monday of September ..
P/s/s: Since today is a public holiday for Selangor, I guess, I need to postponed my determination ? *sigh*
-Love Emy-
05 August 2012
03 August 2012
Am I ?
If you think I am,
So turn it up,
Take me down,
From the wall,
It doesn't matter,
Because you get want you want after all,.
-Love Emy-
02 August 2012
The famous Coconut Shake
Klebang, Melaka - Last weekend I went to Melaka with MY babes for site recce. We went to two hotels for surveying for our teambuilding event this year. We settled everything around 5 pm and decided to straight headed to find place for Iftar. Izati suggested having seafood at Klebang, but I was craving for Assam Pedas Melaka. Since I do not know where is the best place to eat Assam Pedas in Melaka, I let Izati lead us to Klebang. On our way to Klebang, Izati kept telling us about the most famous Coconut Shake in Klebang. I am not a fan of any milkshake drinks, except chocolate milkshake,, *suddenly craving* but Izati managed to influenced all of us to try it. Us - includes Maya's hubby - Hafiz..
The stall located merely by the roadside along Jalan Klebang Besar next to the Caltex station. By far we can see people queuing to buy the Coconut Shake and all of sudden I felt excited and asked Hafiz to stop the car and join the people queuing,, haha,, actually I was scared they ran out of coconuts LOL. Maya reminded us that we still have not perform our Solah, oh ya, luckily there is a mosque nearby. From the mosque we were having difficulties to make a U-turn back to the stall, thus, we kept teasing Izati on her craved for the drink.
At the stall we have to queue for about 10 minutes or less. While queuing I observed the way they made the drink. Inside the blender that is full of ice cubes they put the coconut meat, pour the coconut water and scoop the Wall's vanilla ice cream. Funny they did not blend all the ingredients straightaway but pour it all into a mixer. I am guessing they just want to make sure all ingredients are adequate before blending it in a more large mixer.
And so, taraaaa,
The most famous Coconut Shake in Kelebang, Melaka with only RM2.20 ã‚·
The coconut shake was refreshing and I liked to chew the coconut meat, unfortunately, the ice cream spoilt me -__-" I don't think I have to tell what happen to me later that night, but anything that is milky and creamy is not suitable for me for breakfasting.
-Love Emy-
At the stall we have to queue for about 10 minutes or less. While queuing I observed the way they made the drink. Inside the blender that is full of ice cubes they put the coconut meat, pour the coconut water and scoop the Wall's vanilla ice cream. Funny they did not blend all the ingredients straightaway but pour it all into a mixer. I am guessing they just want to make sure all ingredients are adequate before blending it in a more large mixer.
And so, taraaaa,
The most famous Coconut Shake in Kelebang, Melaka with only RM2.20 ã‚·
The coconut shake was refreshing and I liked to chew the coconut meat, unfortunately, the ice cream spoilt me -__-" I don't think I have to tell what happen to me later that night, but anything that is milky and creamy is not suitable for me for breakfasting.
-Love Emy-
01 August 2012
Trust no one ~
Sadly, I have lost my trust in everyone surrounds me.
As awful as it sounds, I now realized people are not dependable.
The only person you can depend on is yourself.
Keep everything inside.
They do not need to know.
-Love Emy-
31 July 2012
29 July 2012
It was a mistake & I regret
I never thought after living a 25 years of my life I would be regret with a decision that I made ...
Before , I never regret anything that has happened to me in
my life , whether it is making a bad choice , deciding to do something I should not
have , saying the wrong thing or not doing something I should have done ...
because all of these things have given me the knowledge I have today and helped
make me who I am today ...
Now , that one decision has changed everything that I was ...
I am no longer happy ..
-Love Emy-
27 July 2012
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Semoga masih tak terlambat untuk ucap Salam Ramadhan,
Ini hari pertama berpuasa buat saya di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini ツ
Nota untuk diri: Selamat qada' puasa 6 hari
Selamat berpuasa untuk semua & maafkan salah silap saya dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki .
Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk yang baik untuk diri di bulan yang mulia ini . InsyaAllah .
-Love Emy-
Am I not allowed to get jealous ?
I posted this quote on my FB wall before.
Now I want to paste it again in my blog.
Just take note:
When girls stop to care they stop to love ~
How do you feel when I stop to care *question mark*
-Love Emy-
25 July 2012
The lazy song ~
I've been lying in my bed ever since this morning .
I went to kitchen in the afternoon just to fill my empty stomach with foods *sigh*
I wonder if tomorrow I will be more productive .?
If not more at least *abit* .
Good night all ~
-Love Emy-
Hello once again ~
This is not my first entry , nor be the last.
Let's welcome me :)
I am back...
Finally ~
-Love Emy-
27 April 2012
Solemnization: Aimi & Afifi
I love wedding :) Especially my own wedding and that was why I organized my wedding myself (all details are my idea and if anyone try to give their thought, I'd make sure I approve it first). Let's walk through my wedding details start with my solemnization stories :)
The date has been chosen and my solemnization was on my birthday date (27 April 2012).
The theme was all white wedding solemnization.
Location: home sweet home
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Pardon the handwriting. I do almost everything myself and that time I was rushing for other thing. I should have ask one of my beautiful girlfriends to help me write that tskkkkk. |
We(I) decided to do the Akad Nikah ceremony at home instead of Masjeed or musolla. Why? I don't want to trouble myself or others to have to walk back home after the ceremony to proceed with the dinner.
The Room
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If I were to housekeeping my room like everyday is my wedding day, Mama sure is proud of me *sigh. |
It is typical for Malay to decorate their room on their wedding day. Though these days not many aunty(ies) will visit the bride's room, but still, I need to deco the room so that my beautiful girlfriends are comfortable while accompanying me in my room and the photographer, he can take his photo from any angle without having me feeling ashamed having a messy room *sigh.The Dress, Hijab & Shoes
I love my solemnization dress so much. I love the simplicity of the design. I hired my good friend from high school #bynatashamazalan (InstaGram) and put my trust on her to design my attires (veil & dress) without having me giving any inputs on how it should turn out. Well, I wasn't fussy at all and Tasha kept asking me if I want to add anything on my dress, but no, I didn't want to add anything on it and I was all satisfied with her work. As for the hijab - I choosed Inner Maysaa type that I purchased online from Shawl Couture because I know right after the Akad Nikah, the groom will need to kiss my forehead, so I should choose something that is stick to my forehead so it won't ruin my hijab. Shoes - my bestfriend, Nadia gave me her shoes for free, it was pretty and match the dress very well. I love the combo :)
Make Up
I contacted my makeup artist for solemnization quite a last minute. I was still doing survey on who to do my makeup a month before my solemnization day, but I've already booked my makeup artist for reception like 6 month before *sigh. I want to look pretty but don't want to spend so much money on the makeup because the event will only last like for 3-4 hours *such a cheapskate* Alhamdulillah, I managed to find Ms. Suzana from Ayra Qreatif Wedding Gallery. She did a wonderful job despite she was actually having a contraction (yes, she was pregnant) right after she did my makeup. I was a lucky bride :)
I hired the same person, Ms. Sitiey from Fattiey Henna Artist who did my henna during my engagement. I want a very simple design (because I don't want to feel 'geli' looking at my own hand hehheh) and she did a great job with that. The only thing that turn me off was I wasn't satisfied with the ceasing henna color that almost gone after a day *sigh. So, I have a bad henna day during my reception event.
The Handbouquet
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It's a white roses with white and pink carnations. |
The Hantaran: from her & from him
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from her |
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from him |
The hantaran supposed to be 7 (my side) against 5 (his side) but due to miscommunication we ended up giving 7 against 7 *sigh. I gave husband - sieh junjung (the photoghrapher didn't snap the picture), fondant cake, watch, chocolate in a shape of a mosque, shoes, PS3 and Al-Quran with its stand.
While husband gaves me, flowers which he put my bracelet, sireh junjung, hantaran cheque, handbag, BB handphone, sajadah and prayer wear and fruits.
I did my hantaran using fresh flowers and was done by Kak Zai from Petals2U Florist. While husband, he gets help from his mother's friend.
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The pillow was for the bride and groom to sit on during the akad. |
I want a very simple white color pelamin. I only want a fairy light as backdrop. So I hired Azmah Ahmad Wedding Deco & Events to do my pelamin. They setup my pelamin a day before the event and I watch them do all the job and I was satisfied at how it turn out. They also gave me a cleopatra chair for us to sit after the akad event for taking picture session.
Bridesmaid Dress
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My sister so creative that she did the hijab and they were nicely done. |
My sister and her good friend became my bridesmaid that night. They sat next to me during the akad ceremony. At least it helped me felt less nervous. I bought their dress online. Sorry I couldn't trace the website where I purchased their dress.
The photographer didn't snap the doorgift photo, but I handed out a Yassin book with our name on it.
Catering, Canopy & Centerpiece
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The table clothes didn't match the theme color and they never put any scallop *sigh. Despite the sadness, I was happy that I had all my best girls came :) |
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I bought a glass jar from Thai's shop filled with light candle and put it on a mirror and put some roses petals. |
I was supposed to hired a vendor who provided transparent canopy with fairy light for my wedding canopy, but the vendor didn't turn up. Ayah had to, last minute called his friend to setup a very simple ugly canopy, while I, have to redho. The catering was by Ayah's friend too. I didn't eat that night so I wasn't sure if it was good. The centerpiece was my idea and I thanked my brother who help me set it up.
Candy Buffet
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I didn't do the label make it look so simple, anyone who wants to eat can just grab. |
I didn't put much attention on what to put on my candy buffet, not like the last time I had candy buffet for my engagement event. I only put mini cupcakes, mini polkadot apam, cakes and few other kueh from aunt(ies).
Groom's wear
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Husband was forced to wear henna hehhh. |
We bought the material from Jakel together and later his mother sent to tailor. It was quite an expensive material which I forgot what type it was. But the color hardly turn yellowish. It 's a great money value because he can still wear it for next Raya.
Alhamdulillah, I married the guy I love 10 years ago and when we fall out of love, we learn to love again.
Till then, love, emy.
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