15 June 2014

Happy Father's Day

My father was a tough fierce man when I was a kid and I never imagine I will see him cry, I thought I will never able to see it. I was wrong.

The first time he cried was when my grandfather passed away.
And the second time, it was me who made him cried. I still remember the event. I was crying and begging my parents for something and my father couldn't bear to see me crying so hard, he dropped his tears. How could I? You know a man will cry for you when he loves you so much? Yes, my father does love me so much.

And I love him too. Happy Father's Day Ayah.

Ayah is a good advisor. Especially when it comes about relationship and marriage. He gives advise based on man's perspective, so I always listen to him and learn from it.

Ladies, remember, the only man who will never hurt you is your Father. He just want the best for you.

Btw, Happy Father's Day to my husband too, who is a future father-to-be, InsyaAllah :) and my father-in-law and my brother and my brother-in-law too :D

Till then, bye.
Love, emy.

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