11 June 2014

NN Premier Screening - Blended

Alhamdulillah, Nuffnang was so kind that they gave away 25 pairs of tickets to watch Blended premier screening last night. The movie will be out on 12th June, till then, let me spoil the story for you :B

Jim & Lauren went for a blind date but it turned out to be a disaster. They decided not to meet each other again, until, they accidentally stuck together during a family trip in Africa. During the trip they slowly bonding and blended with each other's family.
The movie is funny of course casting by 2 famous comedy actor,s but I strictly do not encourage kids to watch this movie although it's a family movie. The language used is too harsh for young kids. But if you are a couple, lovey dovey, etc, go ahead :) It's worth your money if you want to laugh over something.
Thanks husband for the movie date :)
Till then, bye.
Love, emy.

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